Monday, November 3, 2008


Please go make an informed vote tomorrow…no excuses! I think every American knows how important this election is. And, I think we all know that we owe it to those who died for our freedom and right to vote.

I hope that people who are basing their decision on some celebrity who abused their influence on television will just stay home. But, I hope that those of us who have done our research will show up in record numbers.

It is my hope that people will look beyond the empty speeches that were nothing more than motivational rallies to get crowds pumped up and focus on the speeches that contained specifics regarding a plan for our country.

Bottom line--please make an informed VOTE tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am voting Cindy!!
I have my voter's registration card and am ready!!!!
I will tell you this - I am NOT a Democrat.