Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Poor Bailey...he's wearing an orange jersey. It's just such a shame that my camera is broken and I can't post a picture of him wearing it...a true shame. No, seriously, I will post a picture soon. My digital camera is broken so I am going to have to get some hard copies developed old school style. Will was thrilled to be able to put it on him and I have to admit he looks pretty cute in it, but I know that he would prefer to be wearing garnet and black. Maybe next year...


Unknown said...

Poor Bailey!
How's Willis doing? We love to hear about Willis!!
By the way, I've nominated you for the Marie Antoinette Award!
Please visit to see what it's all about!

Anonymous said...

hey I think Will has some inside info on that game every year! I was going to nominate you for the Marie Anoninette award but I saw Linda beat me to it! It is for real people that have real blogs writing about real life. At first I wasn't sure that I wanted a Marie Anoninette award, I mean, wasn't she accused of treason?lol