Saturday, October 18, 2008


This is funny. I can't stop laughing. We have a very large tv so everything on it looks huge and Willis can see the tv from his cage. A little while ago, he was playing very happily with a red block and watching tv when a very large bird appeared on the screen. It scared him so bad he fell off his perch! Normally when he falls he laughs at himself and says, "Oh Willis..." But, not this time. He is mad! He is sitting over there pouting with his feathers out around his beak and it is FUNNY! He isn't hurt physically or anything...just his pride. I can't stop laughing at him and he does not like it! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny! But you know what I do when someone scares me, I lash out and try to beat them to death! So good thing Willis doesn't have fists or you'd be in trouble!