Saturday, January 17, 2009


Will and I are very competitive with each other. We both have Type A personalities which can sometimes be a bad thing. We get very serious with competition, even if it is just a game of thumb war while we wait in line or for food at restaurants. I never win that one, because I don't have a gunther thumb like he does. We are also competitive at tennis even though I have no idea how to play it and always, always, always end up hitting the ball over the fence, which makes Will laugh and makes me mad.

On the rare occasion that we are home at the same time at 7:30pm during the week, we tune in to Jeopardy and compete against each other so fiercely you would think we were playing for real money. How nerdy and sad is that?

His strength categories are Sports, duh, and History. Mine are Health and the Sciences. Neither one of us are strong in literature and we usually always say either Edgar Allan Po or Shakespeare as answers to those. Oh, and anytime a question is asked about a queen, we both always say Queen Elizabeth. My fallbacks for rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates and Will's fallback for anything to do with Italy is Rome.

We do have 1 rule. You can not call out the answer until the question has been fully read. If you do, you do not get the point. Will has lost many points by not adhering to this rule. He begs and pleads when he messes that one up, but I do not give in. Rules are rules.

We usually argue about who said the answer first and whether points should be awarded for getting the question partially right. For example, last night an answer was "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Well, I yelled out, "That bunny movie!" Will wouldn't give it to me. I tried to argue him down...he wouldn't give. I still won overall though.

We both want so badly to win, that our answers are sometimes so funny that we can't recover from laughing in time to hear the next one. Last night, one of the questions was to name a real person who had been killed by gunfire in 1937 or something like that and I yelled out John Wayne! Ha!

Will makes up words that are not even in the English language or any language for that matter. He wants to win so badly and if he doesn't know the answer he will yell out something like, "Wiglam"! I think he does that on purpose to make me laugh to try to get an advantage on the next question.

I look forward to the next game, where I shall beat him....again!


willv said...

I will win the next time, and if you would let me have the correct answer when I say them, instead of making me wait until the question is read, I would have won several more times because those anwers are always mostly on history and sports and you would not get them anyway. So really, I'm the best Jeopardy player in the Vandervort household.

AmyT said...

hee hee jerimy and I are the same way!!! We have a wii....and we are always at it!!!!! It's sooo much fun!!!! I'm with ya on the seafood - uckkkk the smell!!!